Chakra Teas
You have seven major energy or psychic centers that radiate throughout the body, both front and back. These are called "Chakras" which is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel. Each chakra is a center for various energies to be transformed and linked in your body. The body chakras start at the base of your spine and run all the way to the top of your head. Chakras are seen in clairvoyant or psychic sight sometimes as colored circles, funnels, flowers, or as just a field around a part of the body. These energy centers have a vibrational frequency and may also be heard clairaudiently.
Perry's Place llc has created herbal teas that help balance these chakras. Herbal Teas are an excellent way to help nourish and balance the body!
First Chakra also known as Root or Base Chakra
The first energy center is found at the base of the spine. This activity of this chakra creates our sense of security and general well-being. First Chakra is associated with the sacral-coccygeal nerve plexus, the reproductive system and the gonads.
Located in the area of the perineum, the soft area between the genitals and the anus, Chakra One houses your basic survival instincts, including "fight or flight" responses (some sources associate this chakra with the adrenal glands). Associated with the sacrum, the spine in general, and external excretory orifices (anus, rectum, urethra), problems, such as hemorrhoids or urethral strictures, are associated with this chakra. Symbolically these orifices represent "release." Working together with Chakra Two which controls the large and small intestines, constipation or dysfunction in these lower chakras may signal an inability to "let go" of past teachings, "old garbage" and outmoded methods, or living in the past. Diarrhea, on the other hand, may esoterically reflect fearful release rejection without proper assimilation.
Second Chakra (also known as the naval, gonadal, splenic, or sacral chakra)
It is associated with the sacral nerve plexus, the genitourinary system, the gonads and reproductive organs, also the urinary bladder, the large and small intestines, the appendix and the lumbar vertebrae, and the Leydig System. (Chakras One and Two overlap to a great extent and some esoteric sources associate Chakra One with both the gonads and the estrogen and testosterone-producing cells of leydig.) Some illnesses that may be heavily influenced by an imbalance in Chakra Two are colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, bladder tumors, malabsorption if the small intestine, sexual dysfunctions, prostatitis, low back pain, bladder, cervical and uterine cancers
Third Chakra
Located at the solar plexus, has physical affinities with the solar nerve plexus, and the lumbar vertebrae. It supplies nutritive subtle energy to most of the major digestive-purification organs, including the stomach, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, spleen, and adrenals, also the general digestive system since the large and small intestines are related to Chakra Two. When this chakra is blocked, the adrenal glands (which play a primary role in activating hormones during times off stress) may degenerate, leading to fatigue and weakness. Diabetes is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra, and may be associated with a deeply buried, unconscious feeling of powerlessness or a longing for the past or a life that may have been.
Fourth Chakra
the Heart Chakra The Heart Center, whirrs over the physical heart to function with the Heart Plexus, the circulatory system and the thymus. An imbalanced flow in this chakra can take its toll as a heart attack, a stroke (stagnant energy causing blood clots), or other circulatory problems. In addition to the heart and circulatory system, the Heart Chakra offers nutritive subtle energy to the organs that promote vitality and life the
bronchial tubes, lungs, and breasts (organs that serve to do nothing more than nurture another being). Closely tied to the thymus gland, the Heart Chakra also plays a dominant role in immune function. The Chakra Four vortex is symbolized as Air. Energy imbalances in this chakra, also affect breathing.
Fifth Chakra
The Throat Chakra or Thyroid Chakra, This chakra resides at the throat to connect with the Cervical Ganglia and the Medulla. It has physical connection with respiration and the thyroid, influencing all the major glands and structures in the neck area, including the parathyroid glands, the mouth, vocal chords, the trachea and the cervical vertebrae as well as the parasympathetic nervous system that innervates the heart, lungs and abdominal organs. It also affects the general skeletal activity by energizing the parathyroid gland which, in turn, regulates calcium metabolism in the bones by way of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin (a thyroid hormone) secretion. This chakra is important in communication, not only in word, but in song. Blockages result in individuals who cannot express themselves creatively or communicate their inner feelings. Diseases resulting from a Fifth Chakra imbalance include laryngitis, thyroiditis (over activity), parathyroid gland tumors (under activity), and possibly cancer of the larynx.
Sixth Chakra
The Brow Chakra, (the "third eye.") This chakra is associated with the hypothalamus, the pituitary, and the Autonomic Nervous System. When Chakra Seven is also activated, Chakra Six forms an energy polarity between the pituitary and the pineal glands. If you have a highly developed Brow Chakra, you have the ability to "see within" yourself. However, diseases of this chakra are brought about by an individuals hesitancy to see something important for his or her soul. Problems can be as diverse as cataracts, to sinus problems, to major hormonal imbalances.
Seventh Chakra Seven
The Crown Chakra, The seventh chakra is located at the crown of your head. It has physical affinities with the Cerebral Cortex and the Pineal Gland, and is associated with the control of the Central Nervous System. The Crown Chakra is considered the highest vibrational center in the subtle body and is connected with a deep inner searching or "spiritual path." It allows you to enter the highest states of consciousness, a balancing of the right and left hemispheres of the brain and balanced body, mind and spirit. Abnormalities, however, include various kinds of cerebral dysfunction, not the least of which is psychosis.
Perry's Place llc has created herbal teas that help balance these chakras. Herbal Teas are an excellent way to help nourish and balance the body!
First Chakra also known as Root or Base Chakra
The first energy center is found at the base of the spine. This activity of this chakra creates our sense of security and general well-being. First Chakra is associated with the sacral-coccygeal nerve plexus, the reproductive system and the gonads.
Located in the area of the perineum, the soft area between the genitals and the anus, Chakra One houses your basic survival instincts, including "fight or flight" responses (some sources associate this chakra with the adrenal glands). Associated with the sacrum, the spine in general, and external excretory orifices (anus, rectum, urethra), problems, such as hemorrhoids or urethral strictures, are associated with this chakra. Symbolically these orifices represent "release." Working together with Chakra Two which controls the large and small intestines, constipation or dysfunction in these lower chakras may signal an inability to "let go" of past teachings, "old garbage" and outmoded methods, or living in the past. Diarrhea, on the other hand, may esoterically reflect fearful release rejection without proper assimilation.
Second Chakra (also known as the naval, gonadal, splenic, or sacral chakra)
It is associated with the sacral nerve plexus, the genitourinary system, the gonads and reproductive organs, also the urinary bladder, the large and small intestines, the appendix and the lumbar vertebrae, and the Leydig System. (Chakras One and Two overlap to a great extent and some esoteric sources associate Chakra One with both the gonads and the estrogen and testosterone-producing cells of leydig.) Some illnesses that may be heavily influenced by an imbalance in Chakra Two are colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, bladder tumors, malabsorption if the small intestine, sexual dysfunctions, prostatitis, low back pain, bladder, cervical and uterine cancers
Third Chakra
Located at the solar plexus, has physical affinities with the solar nerve plexus, and the lumbar vertebrae. It supplies nutritive subtle energy to most of the major digestive-purification organs, including the stomach, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, spleen, and adrenals, also the general digestive system since the large and small intestines are related to Chakra Two. When this chakra is blocked, the adrenal glands (which play a primary role in activating hormones during times off stress) may degenerate, leading to fatigue and weakness. Diabetes is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra, and may be associated with a deeply buried, unconscious feeling of powerlessness or a longing for the past or a life that may have been.
Fourth Chakra
the Heart Chakra The Heart Center, whirrs over the physical heart to function with the Heart Plexus, the circulatory system and the thymus. An imbalanced flow in this chakra can take its toll as a heart attack, a stroke (stagnant energy causing blood clots), or other circulatory problems. In addition to the heart and circulatory system, the Heart Chakra offers nutritive subtle energy to the organs that promote vitality and life the
bronchial tubes, lungs, and breasts (organs that serve to do nothing more than nurture another being). Closely tied to the thymus gland, the Heart Chakra also plays a dominant role in immune function. The Chakra Four vortex is symbolized as Air. Energy imbalances in this chakra, also affect breathing.
Fifth Chakra
The Throat Chakra or Thyroid Chakra, This chakra resides at the throat to connect with the Cervical Ganglia and the Medulla. It has physical connection with respiration and the thyroid, influencing all the major glands and structures in the neck area, including the parathyroid glands, the mouth, vocal chords, the trachea and the cervical vertebrae as well as the parasympathetic nervous system that innervates the heart, lungs and abdominal organs. It also affects the general skeletal activity by energizing the parathyroid gland which, in turn, regulates calcium metabolism in the bones by way of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin (a thyroid hormone) secretion. This chakra is important in communication, not only in word, but in song. Blockages result in individuals who cannot express themselves creatively or communicate their inner feelings. Diseases resulting from a Fifth Chakra imbalance include laryngitis, thyroiditis (over activity), parathyroid gland tumors (under activity), and possibly cancer of the larynx.
Sixth Chakra
The Brow Chakra, (the "third eye.") This chakra is associated with the hypothalamus, the pituitary, and the Autonomic Nervous System. When Chakra Seven is also activated, Chakra Six forms an energy polarity between the pituitary and the pineal glands. If you have a highly developed Brow Chakra, you have the ability to "see within" yourself. However, diseases of this chakra are brought about by an individuals hesitancy to see something important for his or her soul. Problems can be as diverse as cataracts, to sinus problems, to major hormonal imbalances.
Seventh Chakra Seven
The Crown Chakra, The seventh chakra is located at the crown of your head. It has physical affinities with the Cerebral Cortex and the Pineal Gland, and is associated with the control of the Central Nervous System. The Crown Chakra is considered the highest vibrational center in the subtle body and is connected with a deep inner searching or "spiritual path." It allows you to enter the highest states of consciousness, a balancing of the right and left hemispheres of the brain and balanced body, mind and spirit. Abnormalities, however, include various kinds of cerebral dysfunction, not the least of which is psychosis.